I'm based in East Lothian. My main interest and inspiration is the landscape (particularly the area where I live), the patterns and textures and layers that fill the natural world. I don't sell work through my website but please get in touch via the Contact page if you are interested in any painting. During the last couple of years, I have focussed on things nearer to home and developed a series of paintings inspired by nature - in my garden or the hedgerows. Tangled stems may suggest restriction and confinement but light brings hope. More recently, I have been exploring the opportunities that the river and coast offer near where I live. I've also been incorporating textiles and more mixed media in my work, together with found objects and altered fabric and paper. Machine and hand embroidery increase the variety of marks I can make and collage adds depth. See more of my work at: Dockside Gallery: www.docksidegallery.co.uk/karen-rogers |